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Quicksilver is a Hannigram AU fic series and began life as a oneshot after WeConquerAtDawn and TheSeaVoices got overly invested in discussing exactly what a young, genderfluid Will would actually wear. A stream of short interlinked stories followed - the result has been a collection of 11 fics totalling almost 160k words and at least 14 separate artworks (there’s more to come!).


We also made a dedicated Tumblr blog but Tumblr changed its rules on posting NSFW material and much of the original posts have effectively been deleted (along with all the notes and comments :( ). So we’ve decided to put them all together here!


QS Will showed a strong personality from the start - he literally would not leave either of us alone. A gifted college student, he lives with his bff Bev and met Hannibal at 19 when interviewing him for a psychology paper. Will is noticeably happier and more confident than his canon alter ego, having had a stable and supportive (if slightly unusual) upbringing, and has a good relationship with both his parents. He is comfortable with all pronouns and favours none. In the fics the narrative voice (which switches between Will and Hannibal POVs) commonly uses he/him for coherence.


Both of us have had a great time playing in this world of ours since early 2016 and we hope you’ll enjoy it just as much <3


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